Pairing with AirPods

IMPORTANT : If your AirPods have previously been paired with your phone (or any other device), they may auto-connect back to the last device it connected to as soon as you open the AirPods' case.

Before you try to connect AirPods with your Mighty, please make sure to disconnect your AirPods from all other devices. Your AirPods will not connect to Mighty if they are already connected to your phone or another device.


Pairing with Apple AirPods :

1. Plug your Mighty into a charger, power it on, and wait for the LED to blink white on your Mighty

2. Connect your Mighty to the mobile app and stay on the Bluetooth page (chain icon in lower left)

3. Put the AirPods in the charging case and open the lid

4. Press and hold the button on the back of the AirPods' case until you see the LED on the AirPod case blink white

5. Go back to the Mighty app, and swipe down on the screen to search for available devices

6. The AirPods should appear in the list below; tap the "+" button to establish the connection


Once you've established initial pairing between your AirPods and Mighty, there's no need to follow the pairing steps above, for consequent reconnections, the next time you'd use them.

Simply power your Mighty on, wait for the LED to blink green, then take your AirPods out of its case. Your AirPods will then automatically reconnect with your Mighty, if it's the last device that you've connected them to.


Still having trouble or often losing connection?

Confirm AirPods are Disconnected From Phone, Tablet, Watch, Computer, Etc - Apple products love to connect with Apple products. From the moment you pop the top on your AirPod case, your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and your Macbook all try to connect with your AirPods. Your poor little Mighty doesn’t stand a chance unless you are going into settings on those devices and disconnecting your AirPods prior to connecting them with your Mighty. You should not have to “forget device” just confirm it’s not connected. Once you have confirmed that no other device is trying to grab the connection to your AirPods, you should be good to try steps 1-6 again. 

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